Murray Main Street in partnership with the City of Murray has created an effective Business Toolbox to guide those interested in opening a business. Our goal is to encourage development, beautification, rehabilitation, and stabilization in the Downtown Historic District. We will encourage vibrant streets, increased residential living and successful small businesses.
The Downtown Murray Pop-Up & Retail Business Incubator Program was established to bring entrepreneurs, artists, makers and small businesses to Downtown Murray. The goal is to fulfill the need for more retail shopping and restaurants, energize the downtown and create an overall unmatched vibe in the Downtown Historic District of Murray. Having unique small businesses, a growing public art presence and creative entrepreneurs, Murray Main Street believes that expanding active retail spaces will benefit residents, existing businesses and visitors alike. The purpose of this program is to cultivate an encouraging environment for entrepreneurs in Historic Downtown Murray.
City of Murray Tax Moratorium Program
The Tax Moratorium is an economic incentive program providing tax abatement to owners of rehabilitated residential or commercial properties within the City of Murray Historic Overlay District. This incentive is in the form of a five year tax moratorium on city real estate taxes on the rehabilitated portion of the property.
The property must meet certain requirements and the project must be completed within two years from the date of the application approval. This is only for properties within the Murray Historic District which is within the boundary as follows: East to the railroad tracks and West to 7th Street, North to Olive Street and South to Elm Street.
For more information about this program visit the City of Murray website or contact the Planning Department at 270-762-0300, email planning.department@murrayky.gov. For general information you can also contact the Murray Main Street office at 270-759-9474.
Downtown Development Incentive Grant Program
(DIG Program)
Murray Main Street, along with The Murray Bank, is proud to announce the opening cycle of the Downtown Development Incentive Grant Program. This program is available for those who own real property or run a small business in the historic district. The DIG Program will award up to $5,000 annually in increments of up to $1,000 per project. This is a 50-50 matching grant and an owner is eligible for one grant per year. For more information, please contact the Murray Main Street office at 270-759-9474.